Pentagram Rebrands The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada

Pentagram Rebrands The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada

Pentagram’s Paula Scher has designed a new identity for The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, a national charity with the mission to prevent heart disease and stroke.

The identity centres on a logo design that pairs the graphic icons of a heart and a stroke, which also reflects the new focus on the organisation’s more commonly used name, Heart & Stroke.

“One of the challenges of the identity was fulfilling the official bilingualism requirements of the country. The symbols transcend language, and while the stroke symbol does not translate as directly to the French word for stroke as per English, it represents a feeling anyone who has been impacted by a heart attack or stroke has felt — an abrupt punctuation, exactly how stroke interrupts life suddenly,” explain the designers.

Typography, meanwhile, is set in Neue Haas Grotesk, with different weights used to communicate “urgency or empathy”.

The overall redesign is the first major change to Heart & Stroke’s identity in over 60 years.
