Submit Work to

Submit Work to

Want to see your logo or article featured on is an online platform open to both professionals and students. We’re interested in your logo’s ‘design story’ – context, history, background, ideation, narrative, symbolism, meaning, semiotics, and other such things. We want to see iterative sketches, including discarded preliminary and prefinal designs, wherever possible. If you’re able to tell us about budget and time constraints, please do so. The more information, the better.


• Crop all images to 520 x 321 pixels and save at 72dpi (in JPEG/PNG format)
• Include the ‘design story’ text document, not forgetting to list relevant categories and tags
• Enclose the above in a single zip/rar file and send to: submissions [at] logo-designer [dot] co
• You can submit more than one logo design (however, the limit is one submission per month)
• Be patient (it may be a while before we feature or publish your work)


As well as logos, we’ll also consider the following for publication:

• Font design
• Icon design
• Articles: opinion/advice (from both logo designers and brand strategy consultants)


Please note: will not show work related to any of the following:

• Alcohol
• Gambling
• Tobacco
• Pornography (or adult related themes)


Publication on our website is entirely free but subject to editorial discretion.

Ensure you own all intellectual property rights to the submitted content, i.e., you own the copyright in the content as well as any associated trade marks or design rights, which may be registered or unregistered.

If there is a claim that someone else owns all or part of the intellectual property rights in the content, we will investigate the claim and subsequently remove the content from our website if necessary. We may also seek compensation from you.

We are free to publish content that you submit to us in whole or part on or any other site in which we have publishing rights.

You are fully responsible for all content you submit to us and you accept liability for any actions relating to the content. Any comments and reviews posted on by you or other users do not necessarily reflect our opinions and we are not responsible or liable for any content submitted by you or anyone else.

By providing submissions to us, you thereby confirm to agree with these terms.