The Team Rebrand Brain Research Trust

The Team Rebrand Brain Research Trust

The Team has rebranded the Brain Research Trust, a research charity which aims to find cures for neurological conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

The charity was originally founded in 1971 with the purpose of funding research into neurological conditions specifically at UCL Institute of Neurology, an institute within the faculty of Brain Sciences at University College London (UCL).

More recently the charity changed its charitable objectives to become a national funder of neurological research.

“Brain Research Trust recognised that it needed to develop its brand purpose, story, visual identity and tone of voice in order to support its new strategy and the changing of its objectives to fund centres of excellence throughout the UK,” says The Team.

Claiming that an increasing number of brands in the charity sector are becoming ‘fighting’ (beating, conquering disease etc.) in tone, especially the research-based ones, the designers say they wanted to produce an identity with an ‘optimistic’ outlook and have therefore created a new abstract, multi-coloured brain symbol, which is said to have been inspired by a tractograph brain scan taken by researchers at the Biomedical Imaging department of Sherbrooke University in Canada.

The accompanying logotype, meanwhile, is set in Apex Rounded font and follows the original logo’s composition of being right aligned, which, according to the designers, signifies moving forward.

The rebrand also includes the strapline ‘Inspiring progress, together’, as well as a totally refreshed website that features people’s real-life stories.

“The brain is the most complex organ in our body. It weighs just 3lb, yet it controls our emotions, senses and actions. So when it breaks down, we break down. It doesn’t have to be this way. We identified an opportunity for a brand with humanity, unity and positive energy; a brand to accelerate the growth of a great charity,” comments Dan Dufour, brand strategy director at The Team

The Team
Brain Research Trust